But, it was an image that held the promise of a return - and an array of jewelry more glorious than ever before! Alas, even this has been taken down and their domain name has expired. I mourned this quietly. But today, upon attempting to consolidate a list of animal skull necklaces, I was confronted with the sad image of their Victorian mouse skull necklace.
These photographs here are the only ones I've been able to find. There are a few more out there, I'm sure, but other than a tiny picture on Daily Candy, this is just about it. There is no particular reason that I find Thorn's cast jewelry of seed pods, shells, beetles, bones and other detritus more appealing than all the others, but I do. Thorn, you have my undying loyalty. Sorta. Your type of jewelry is not difficult to find, and yet I have refrained from turning to another jeweler for my naturalia needs.
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