Friday, May 22, 2009


A couple of blogs reposted the FoxyMan's outfit from the other day, which is so flawlessly on trend, I immediately began to salivate and wonder where I could buy it, as I imagine most people did. It turns out that it's not a single dress but a dress with cutouts and a studded bustier layered over it.

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Of course, seeing this I can't help but reflect upon the "outdated trends" episode from Project Runway. Among them, for those who can't recall: underwear as outerwear, cutouts, neon, fringe, shoulder pads, pleather, baggy sweaters, dancewear, overalls, 70s, poodle skirts, zoot suits (I think I got them all...). It's more than a little ironic that those trends are all over the place now. Above, of course, we have underwear as outerwear and cutouts. I'm not going to do a runway roundup, because that would be both time-consuming and redundant, but the first few in particular have been EVERYWHERE. I won't even touch shoulder pads because we've all seen enough Balmain to last us a fucking lifetime.

Fringe, I will however, deign to examine briefly.

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A lot of people also reposted photos from BleachBlack's guestblogging over at LuckyMag.Valerie did a very very cool DIY for a fringe scarf/necklace and I am all over it.

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The fringe tights that both SusieBubble and Queen Michelle have rocked to perfection.

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At the left Bless' fringe glasses and at the right Gar-de's version. The Bless version is actually chains, which you can see better in a close-up.

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Close-up of the Bless glasses - the glass is clear, so I have no idea if these are intended as sunnies or not, but I suspect as much.

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damn that kate moss.

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Martin Margiela chain fringe necklace and ACB Leather fringe necklace.

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Fenton pearl fringe necklace and ACB sparkly fringe necklace.

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Fringe necklaces by Norwegian Wood on Etsy.

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Norwegian Wood fringe and chain earrings

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Babooshka Boutique fringe necklaces on Etsy.

sources: foxyman, bleachblack, susie bubble, notcouture, fashionologie, google images, the fashion spot, eluxury, la garconne, google images, etsy

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